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Spring Season Color Analysis

Hello, Fashionistas. This week’s article is the last and final part of our color analysis series. As we discussed in the last three articles, in order to determine which season you are in, you must determine if you’re warm or cool, if your skin prefers darker or brighter colors, and finally, if your skin prefers muted or saturated colors. The last season we are discussing is spring. 

Those under spring usually have lighter hair, warm undertones, and lighter-colored eyes. There is typically little contrast between the skin and hair. The best shades for you are bright and warm. 

Spring can be broken down into four subsets: warm spring, clear spring, and light spring. Warm springs tend to have warm-beige, bronze, ivory, or porcelain skin tones, and occasionally, they will have freckles. Their eyes are brightly colored with topaz, olive green, light hazel, or blue. And their hair can be a light golden brown, coppery red, strawberry blonde, or a deep golden brown. The best colors on you are reminiscent of spring at its peak with water-like blues, leafy green, and sunshine yellows.

Clear springs usually have turquoise blue, green, or topaz eye colors. The hair ranges from black-brown, golden browns, and very bright golden, and golden blonde hair. The skin tone complements the hair and eyes with its deep-warm browns, brown blacks, light ivory, light peach, and porcelain. The best shades for you are the brighter shades in the spring family like pink and lime green..

Finally, are our light springs. Their eyes, like the name suggests, are on the lighter side with blues, greens, light hazels, and light, pale browns. The hair mimics the rest of the features with light to medium golden blonde shades or light to medium golden brown shades. Occasionally, they may have light or soft red hair. The skin is ivory with warm peach undertones. The most flattering shades for a light spring start leaning toward pastel purples, pinks, blues, and greens without losing the bright, warm qualities found in the other spring color palettes. 

Here are a few well-known celebrities to use as examples.

Kerry Washington

Kerry Washington is absolutely stunning in this fuchsia sweater and skirt. The colors complement her skin tone as a spring well because it is simultaneously bright and warm. The color is making her skin glow rather than pale and lifeless.

Kerry Washington

This is an example of a shade that is bright but far too cool for those in the spring color season. Kerry here is not at her best. As you can see, this shade of green is simply sitting on her rather than bringing out the natural bronze in her skin. If the color had a tad more warmth in it, it would be suitable for her skin tone.

Blake Lively

Again, Blake Lively in this monochromatic lilac outfit is not doing her warm, autumn skin undertones justice. Instead of appearing as if she is glowing from within, this shade of purple is pulling her down and wearing her rather than her wearing the shade.

Blake Lively

Blake in this sunshine yellow outfit is exactly the color she needs to be wearing. The shade is very warm and very bright. The golden tones in her hair and skin are far more visible and vibrant. Pure yellow can sometimes be a difficult color to wear, but not for those who reside in the spring color palette.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence’s dress is almost too pale, but the this shade of blush is on the warmer side, making it a very wearable gown for the actress. This is a great example of the types of blushes springs should gravitate towards. Steer clear of the traditional cool pink blushes and opt for one that has a dash of peach in it.

Jennifer Lawrence

As we’ve been saying from the beginning. Springs are on the warmer side of the color analysis spectrum. Silver and grey are not your friends. This also extends to jewelry. Opt for gold accessories, especially if you’re going to be wearing them near your face.

Remember, being a spring doesn’t mean you can’t ever wear cool colors. It simply means you have to choose colors that lean warmer to look your absolute best. Anything outside of your color palette can easily be worn as a bracelet, shoe, or pair of pants. If you think you’re a spring, try out colors that remind you of that season. It will support the bright, warm tones found in your skin, hair, and eyes.

If you’re still unsure what your season is and don’t know which colors to try, book a consultation with us and we can help kickstart your journey into looking your best.